What is Numerology ?

what is numerology?

Numerology is a science based on numbers and their incredible effect on our lives. It is believed to have been studied up to 11,000 times. Numbers have been around since the beginning of time and predate all alphabets.

PITAGORAS was one of the "Fathers of Numerology", and that was 2,400 years ago. He was able to apply his knowledge and understanding in practical areas for the needs of humanity. Pythagoras acquired his knowledge of the numbers of Egypt and the Near East. Some researchers have found evidence that Numerology was practiced in Egypt 13,000 years ago.

Numerology is a tool used to investigate our own being, and to bring light to our highest potential on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. Numerology speaks of our potential destiny, our natural talents and helps us better understand ourselves and others. It shows us the path we must take in our lives to realize this potential, and it also tells us one of the many reasons why each one has different traits and characteristics.

Numerology is the study of numbers and their incredible effect on our lives. Numerology, however, could be better called "The Science of Numbers." Numbers have been around since the beginning of time and predate all Alphabets.

Numerology tells us about our potential destiny, our natural talents, and helps us better understand ourselves and others. It shows us the path we must take in our lives to realize this potential, and it also tells us one of the many reasons why each one has different traits and characteristics. We can also see the compatibility we have with other people according to numerology.

Each number has a different vibration, and therefore can give us a better understanding of our own path, and of the circumstances that surround our life. It can direct us to the career that best suits each person, and gives us the opportunity to be more aware of the talents we have and the paths we choose to use them. It also tells us about the compatibility we have with another, especially who would be more compatible as a partner for you. It tells you how you can best help your family and friends, because of the numbers that control their lives.

Each number is influenced by a different planet in our Solar System. Each letter of the alphabet vibrates at a given number, from 1 to 9, which is also the length of our life cycles. These numbers under which we were born, plus the numbers in our names, are the tools that are given to us so that we can fulfill our mission in life, and they allow us to work through all of our Karmic Lessons. The Vibratory Power of each number affects us both in a Positive and Negative way.

The meaning of the symbols surrounding the nine whole numbers is the center of number guessing. The numbers are integrated into many other methods of divinity, such as the Tarot. The numbers can represent stages in the development of any process, and can be key to planets, days, colors, qualities, types of characters and images of the Tarot.

Numbers are also expressed in letters of the alphabet, so that words and names can be parsed.

Numerology brings insight, wisdom, and the ability to understand ourselves and others.

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